DGR Ljubljana 2017

The Distinguished Gentlemans Ride 2017, Ljubljana Slovenia

Vrhunsko! Hvala za lep dan, za super dru≈æenje z razlogom, za va≈°o dobrodelnost! Menren Pictures aka Klemen Korenjak je poslal prve uradne fotografije, samo za poku≈°ino, da se boste vsi, ki ste zaradi “slabega” vremena ostali doma malce zamislili, VSE SLIKE.

The Distinguished Gentlemans Ride 2017, Ljubljana Slovenia

Hvala vsem podpornikom dogodka: podjetju Tinex, medijskemu sponzorju Rock Radio, Društvu onkoloških bolnikov Slovenije, podjetju Dr.Glass, Jodlu iz CafeRacer Kavarnice Na Glavnem Trgu in Triumph motocikli Marko Jerman s.p..

Slike/pictures: MenRen pictures



Verona 2017


Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride Ljubljana 2016.

Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride Ljubljana 2016.

Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride Ljubljana 2016.

Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride Ljubljana 2016.

Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride Ljubljana 2016.

Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride Ljubljana 2016.

September 25th, Ljubljana, Slovenija – 4th DGR event is behind us. More than 100 custom or classic motorcycles, great people and a sunny warm day…. Please take a look to all our photos, more than 100 pictures belong to a graet friend and a photographer with special feeling, special touch Klemen Korenjak. If you want bigger picture go HERE

Lokalni sponzorji dogodka:
Frogg moto sedeži

Zahvaljujemo se še:
Triumph motocikli
Kavarni Plato
DJ Samo Satler
Ljubljanski Grad
Ljubljanski brivec

The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride 2016 Register Now!

The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride Ljubljana 2016 Register Now!

Official site Gentlemansride.com

DGR Ljubljana Slovenia FB page