September 27th, Ljubljana, Slovenija – Another successful DGR event is behind us. Over 60 custom or classic motorcycles, great people and a nice cold day‚Ķ but for a charity ride we went out anyway and have fun. Please take a look to all our photos, first more than 100 pictures belong to a graet friend and a photographer with special feeling, special touch Klemen Korenjak. Tommorow is coming a photogallery of portrets from DGR Ljubljana 2016!!
More great PICTURES by Klemen Korenjak
Next is Gallery by Bojan Gashi
Next is Gallery by Matevz Hribar

More pictures by Matevz Hribar
7seven customs stood behind the DGR Ljubljana the third time. This time we had some friends that helped us at DGR Ljubljana 2015event, so we need to say thanks to: Tinex , Ljubljanski brivec ,, DJ SO80S, iDoktor, Triumph Slovenija, Avtotehna Vis Peugeot, all the photographers Klemen Korenjak, Matev≈æ Hribar and Bojan Gashi, video master Dean Gostimirovic and my brother Klemen Kopitar… gentlemen on motorcycles Jo≈æe Galicic, Gasper Cvetko, Gasper Stanjko… and all of you gents that shines on pictures above. Thx.